Hello, My name is Yssy, and I live with my husband and my three children just outside Chagford, on Dartmoor. Fare of the Field is a newly established business producing organic salad and fresh and dried cut flowers.
I adore flowers. I love growing them, I love harvesting them, I love learning about them and I just love being amongst them. Our flower field attracts teams of busy insect life and creates a world that I feel very lucky to be apart of. This is why I have chosen to be a flower grower. Flowers don’t just make me happy, it seems to be a general phenomenon between humans and flowers and one I’d like to encourage.
Fare of the field has side-shooted from Chagfood, a community vegetable growing scheme just outside Chagford. Through this community project, growing has become a social activity and an opportunity for people to get together out in the field. See our story so far. Its been important to me to find a profession where I can be with my children outside. Although they are the biggest pests in the field, I feel very lucky that they get the opportunity to muck about outside.